East Coast Conveyancing is NSW’s largest firm of licensed conveyancers with multiple offices spread throughout the State. John was requested to provide a “marketing health check” for the business, with recommendations of how the company could grow in future years as a result of clever marketing tactics
John produced an 8-page Direct Mailer for distribution to Real Estate Agents, promoting East Coast’s Conveyancing services. (Click for PDF version. Might take 30 seconds or more for Broadband download.)
John immediately asked the company for its database details, with the aim to identify the type of client which the firm had attracted over the past few years.
If there were any “trends” to be found in this analysis, it would enable John to prepare marketing plans which were targeted toward specific demographics.
Up until the early 90’s, conveyancing work for property purchases or sales need to be done by solicitors. This was an important factor for John, as it was likely that a large percentage of people were still under the impression that a solicitor was necessary in conveyancing matters.
Unlike solicitors, East Coast Conveyancing offered clients a Flat Fee, meaning that people had the comfort of knowing what their conveyancing costs were up front.
Full page press advertisement, comparing East Coast’s conveyancing against their major competitors, Solicitors. (Click for PDF enlargement. Please allow about 30 seconds for download.)
Because a large part of East Coast’s client base were referrals from Real Estate Agents, John prepared a direct mail campaign to such agents, alerting them to the benefits of recommending East Coast to their clients.
Likewise, direct mail campaigns were created for “mail lists” which were gained from local council development approvals and other sources (which highlighted the ownership details of new developments around East Coast’s offices.)
Furthermore, John produced a Company Brochure, explaining the full range of services which East Coast offers. This was dropped “en masse” to real estate agents, so that they could distribute this to real estate buyers and sellers.
Additionally, John negotiated excellent rates with major Sydney newspapers, using the creative angle of “using East Coast instead of a solicitor”. The “comparison with Solicitors” is perhaps a little cheeky, but given the relatively new evolvement of conveyancers in New South Wales, John believed it was important to firstly communicate to prospects that they don’t need a solicitor for their conveyancing needs.
Because East Coast Conveyancing is a current client of John’s, the results of these campaigns are confidential. But it is fair to say that the company has enjoyed a substantial lift in new clientele as a result of the targeted campaigns, which clearly distinguish the “unique selling points” which East Coast offers.