John has been involved in the Advertising/Marketing field for over 20 years, holding both Advertising and Marketing Degrees. His experience includes consultancy services to a wide range of industries including tourism, retail, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, financial services, Licensed Clubs and fast food chains.
He strives to provide clients with measurable marketing strategies, all of which are based around “wow factor” principles.
After consulting to 2SM Radio station for their huge annual Rocktober Festivals (where he organised large outdoor Rock Concerts in Sydney), John became Advertising and Promotions Manager for Roselands Shopping Centre. He was responsible for the big-time entertainment extravaganzas that the Centre was renowned for at the time, as well as the overall marketing strategy for the Shopping Mall.
Left Roselands to take on a senior Marketing Position with Woolworths, becoming National Marketing Manager for the Woolworths Shopping Centre Group in the early 80’s.
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MID 80’S
In 1984, John established his own promotional agency, Dynamic Ideas – later to be renamed Dynamic Marketing. The company initially specialised in providing innovative “repetitive purchase” ideas for the retail and consumer product sector (such as the Supermarket Stamps continuity promotions involving glassware and cookware), but later became more involved in providing longer term strategic marketing advice to clients.
Became the sole producer of News Ltd Scratch Bingo’s for many years and further consulted to the newspaper giant with regard to “continuity promotions” and circulation stimulus ideas. (eg: Various movie theme “Poster/Sticker concepts” which necessitated multiple purchasing of newspapers.)
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Provided consultancy to radio and television stations in Australia and New Zealand with “avalanche” results. His “Cash Card” scratch promotion for Sydney’s 2UW resulted in an impressive overall 3 points ratings lift for the station in just 4 weeks. His “Big News Game” Bingo concept for the Nine Television Network still holds a world record for a ratings lift. Nine’s News programs (in eastern Australia) increased from 23 to 40, virtually overnight.
His company, Dynamic Marketing, provided on-going marketing advice to numerous media companies, all of which were eager to improve audience shares. These included the likes of: Fairfax, Pacific Publications, ACP, News Ltd, McDonalds, 7-Eleven, KFC, Red Rooster, BP and even U.S.A Radio Station Networks.
His clients throughout this period also included some of the larger Australian Advertising Agencies which were looking for “below the line” strategies for their clients, which delivered measurable results.
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1992 - 1994
In 1992, whilst still providing strategic marketing services to various companies, John revolutionised the Trading Card market, starting with Batman Returns and Jurassic Park Licenses. He then extended the portfolio to include other well-known sport and entertainment licenses such as AFL, Disney’s Aladdin, The Flintstones Movie, Warner Bros. Looney Tunes, X Files and Mario Bros. Followed Scanlens Bubble Gum Co. in producing the well-known Footy Trading Cards. The ARL Rugby League trading card business increased six fold under his guidance, growing from $2 million retail to $12 million retail in JUST OVER ONE YEAR.
In just 1 year, the trading card license lifted from position number 15 to number 1 in terms of revenue for the ARL, an extraordinary result unparalleled in sport licensing anywhere in the world.
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1995 - 1997
Early 1995, John sold Dynamic Marketing, remaining as a Marketing Consultant on a contract basis. He spent much of 1995 studying the television production business.
In 1996 John produced 3 one-hour television Specials which he sold to Network Ten. The first titled “CHAMPIONS” (featuring Michael Jordan exclusively) screened in July and the other two, titled “DREAMS CAN COME TRUE”, screened in September and November of the same year. The program involved providing ‘surprise dreams’ to worthy people and featured celebrities such as Princess Diana, Meatloaf, the X-Files stars and Paul Hogan. The program was hosted by former Sherbet rock star, Daryl Braithwaite.
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1997 - NOW
Since the late ‘90s, John’s services as a “strategic marketer”, have been in high demand.
Because John provides “a one-stop shop” in terms of strategy, creative and production, many companies recognise the cost-efficiencies of using his services.
Instead of paying an Advertising Agency huge fees, essentially for “creative thinking”, many businesses have turned to John for the all-important mixture of strategy and flair.
It’s quite simple really.
John delivers for a fraction of the price of a traditional Advertising Agency – because his ‘overheads’ are tiny in comparison. He has an enviable bank of specialist talent at his fingertips and selectively calls upon such talent when it’s necessary.
In short, John “delivers more bang for your buck.”
John currently acts as Marketing Consultant to various companies. He also produces television, radio and print advertising for various companies. His recent clients include: The Greater Building Society, East Coast Conveyancing, Parramatta Eels Rugby League Club, Panthers Rugby League Club, Newcastle Knights, a Middle Eastern Confectionary Manufacturer, Ambience Entertainment, The Leapfrog Group Travel Company, NBN Television, and Kooee Telecommunications.
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