Insured Prize Promotions
Imagine offering $500,000 as your major prize, but only outlaying $10,000!
Cash has long been the most successful “prize incentive” for marketers around the world.
It comes as no surprise that research studies continually prove that “cash” is the number one preferred prize for consumers.
(Followed by travel, property and home luxuries.)
TV networks around the world have known this for decades and have subsequently exploited the magnetism of cash giveaways by designing game shows around such incentives.
Perhaps the most notorious game show to use a major cash giveaway is Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
With the lure of a Million Dollar Major Prize, this show became an instant hit around the world.
Everyone wants to see someone win A Million Dollars!
Well now there’s the opportunity for you to massively increase the attractiveness of your next consumer promotion, by having a huge cash prize incentive!
Through our association with a Promotional Insurance Broker, Coolibah Marketing can facilitate the “Insurance” of your Major Prize, giving you the opportunity to blow your competitors out of the water with a promotional enticement that they could never hope to match!
Imagine offering a $250,000, $500,000 or $1 Million dollar prize as a consumer inducement!
And the best part about it is that the cost of the appropriate insurance premium is a mere fraction of the prize amount being offered.
For a $500,000 prize with a 1:250 probability, the cost is less than $12,000.
And for a $1 Million prize with the same probability, the cost is less than $20,000.
You can design the promotion anyway you wish.
When you have your Major Prize Draw, the prize winner gets to choose from say, 250 numbered envelopes.
Inside 1 of the envelopes is the Major Cash Prize (eg: $500,000 or $1 Million) and all other envelopes would have a consolation prize.
($5,000 or perhaps a holiday for example.)
When the prize winner chooses the numbered envelope, should it contain the $500,000 or $1 Million prize message inside, an insurance company representative at the Draw hands over the winnings, with no questions asked!
It’s that simple.
We facilitate the “Prize Insurance” through one of the world’s most reputable insurance companies and if the prize gets won, the insurance company pays out!
Can’t get much better than that!
We have provided many businesses with this exciting “Chance To Win” promotion, as each business enjoys the benefit of being able to promote such a huge prize, and yet pay a mere pittance for the privilege!
After all, if you’re giving the chance to win half a million dollars or one million dollars away, to consumers, one thing’s for sure, your competitors will be pulling their hair out! (And they will be wondering “how on earth” you are doing this!)
And if you’re thinking “do consumers react to these sort of promotions with the same intensity as others, given that the ultimate Draw features a 1:250 probably element?”
The answer is “yes, it has been proven over and over again that consumers’ react instantly to the huge headline and the Chance To Win Element is actually looked upon as a positive by consumers, because it adds “theatre” to the Draw”!

This 2010 marketing promotion took supermarket shoppers by storm!
Madura Tea is an Australian producer of high quality tea, with its products being widely available through the likes of Woolworths, Coles, Bi-Lo and others.
Because it is a relatively small player in the Australian tea industry (Twinings and Dilhma are market leaders), the company wanted to get serious about building their brand name in the marketplace.
John was engaged to provide his expertise in delivering both a short and long-term marketing strategy that would sell tea and build the brand’s awareness.
Although having a relatively modest budget, John was able to devise an innovative Cash Giveaway Promotion involving an Insured $1 Million Prize.
The promotion ran for 4 months and was supported by a daytime TV campaign in regional areas along the East Coast of Australia.
If you look at the TV advertisement here, you’ll see that it combined brand-building testimonial comments from customers together with the Chance To Win $1 Million incentive.
This turned out to be a magic “combo”, with sales instantly growing in all regional areas where the TV campaign screened.
Instead of the conventional “1 entry per pack” mechanism, John pushed the envelope and gave consumers a “lucky dip” sensation – where they could gain between 1 and 10 instant entries from each pack.
Inside each of the specially marked Madura Tea packs, a Game Card could be found with 10 digits being printed on it.
Consumers enjoyed “instant gratification” because upon checking their Game Card, they invariably came up with 7,8 or 9 entries into the Million Dollar Draw!
By having such random distribution of the “quantity of entries” message, Madura Tea enjoyed repetitive sales that arguably they would not have experienced if the promotion ran “the normal way of 1 purchase and 1 entry.”
John was asked by this Fijian resort on the Coral Coast, to consider a marketing campaign which would stimulate both the travel agent trade and consumers.
John created 2 separate campaigns, one aimed at stimulating Australian Travel Agents to send guests to Hideaway rather than any other Fijian resort – and the other campaign was targeted towards consumers.
There was a $1 Million Prize incentive in each of the 2 promotions. (The prize being “Insured”.)
Just think about it for a moment.
If you were a Travel Agent and such an incentive was placed in front of you, what would you reaction be when a couple or family comes into your agency and asks “What resort should we go to in Fiji?”
The results of this promotion were staggering, with Travel Agents instantly placing Hideaway at the top of their recommendation lists!
And as far as consumers were concerned, why wouldn’t they stay at Hideaway vs anywhere else, given they received 1 entry into the $1 Million Draw for every night they stayed at the resort!
Travel Agents received an entry into their $1 Million Draw for every room night that their guests stayed at Hideaway.
The promotion ran over a 2 month period and the resort enjoyed a staggering increase in occupancy rates throughout this period, with a flow-on effect thereafter, given guests went home and raved about the property to friends and relatives.
The Western Districts of Sydney have many licensed clubs which consumers can choose from and Parramatta Leagues is very serious about maintaining its enviable position as the club with the 4th largest gaming revenue in NSW.
Therefore, they requested that John devise a “big promotion” which would attract new patrons and influence members to return regularly to the club.
So John put together a $1 Million Giveaway, where entry was very simple.
Patrons simply received 1 entry into the Draw for every $20 spent within the club. (Ie: Spend $20 and get 1 entry, spend $45 and get 2 entries, spend $64 and get 3 entries etc.)
The club was appropriately decorated for the promotion, leaving no stone unturned in “hyping up” the huge giveaway to members and guests.
The promotion was marketed in the local press, together with a number of letterbox campaigns throughout the promotional period.
A very successful promotion designed for the Video Ezy chain.
Consumers were given a scratch ticket with every DVD or video entry and part of the ticket invited consumers to enter the $1 Million Draw.
The promotion was supported via a television advertising campaign and was an outstanding success because of its ability to “steal” customers from competitive video stores.
The owners of this Toowoomba shopping centre knew of John’s reputation for “over-delivering” and therefore asked him to devise and manage an “Opening Campaign” for their shopping centre.
The shopping centre looked like “the normal retail mousetrap” – and therefore John supplemented the usual press, catalogue and radio campaign with a giant giveaway of “The Chance To Win $250,00”.
The promotion ran via a Scratch Ticket format, where customers received tickets with purchases.
1 in every 10 tickets entitled the consumer to an entry in the $250,000 Draw.
Shoppers had to be at the Final Draw in order to win and therefore the Final Draw attracted a massive crowd to the shopping complex.
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